My Color Checking Result

Color Checking Result!
Intan Zahara Wulan

You are Red Tiger who is friendly and cheerful person.
You tend to be straight forward, and are kind and generous to others.
Generally speaking you are philanthropist, and you possess feminine attraction that makes men turn around.
When you are young, you have gentle and pure atmosphere, but as you get older, you start to show individuality.
Your personality will turn into someone who likes taking care of people, tolerant, and bold.
Unlike your friendly outlook, you have rational mind, and can even observe your parent objectively and coolly.
You don't like to be adventurous, and prefer to lead consistent life.
But you hold great ideals.
You don't try to act actively, and keeps your own pace.
You are not influenced by emotions, and can live life with perseverance.
Your weakness is that you tend to be inconsistent and lack responsibility.
You can stand on top of people and look after the others.
You have great talent in making the atmosphere lively and cheerful.
You dislike being given instructions and told what to do.
After getting married you will create a warm family, but you will still like to work outside too.

Copyright NORACOM Co., Ltd./hiro.M All rights reserved

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This is for you, April..

Dear April 2010,
30 hari dilalui taun ini menjadi bulan dimana banyak pelajaran yang bisa diambil terutama pelajaran dalam masalah pertemanan.
April, dimana terjadi beberapa konflik pertemanan yang jarang sekali menghampiri gw.
April, dimana emosi dan kesensitifan gw semakin terasah tajam jadinya membuat beberapa orang teman ga nyaman.
April, mengajarkan gw bagaimana harus menjadi teman yang baik yang harus memperhatikan perasaan mereka dan menjaga mood mereka agar tidak berubah menjadi buruk saat berinteraksi dengan gw.
April 2010 adalah bulan pertemanan dan juga pendewasaan diri..
Thank you April :) and welcome to May 2010! semoga bisa lebih memberikan pelajaran dan kebahagiaan dalam hidup gw.

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my new blog :

tentang serba-serbifenomena yang terjadi di kehidupan mahasiswa

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